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by Jason Snell

‘Expanding the Twemoji Universe’

Ged Maheux of The Iconfactory, on Twitter’s latest emoji update:

Twitter recently announced an update to the Twemoji suite and we’re pleased to report we were once again able to lend them a hand in their creation. Twitter’s newly announced emoji cover the expanded icons added in Apple’s iOS 9.1 update and include dozens of new national flags, a newly-designed set of people icons with diverse skin tones, new animals, buildings, vehicles and more. The expanded set of emoji were completed here at the Iconfactory in Greensboro under Twitter’s direction over the course of two and a half months and helps bring the Twemoji suite in line with the current suite available in iOS 9.

It’s great that a company so involved with Twitter through its creation of Twitterrific and many Twitter innovations is still working with Twitter, in this case designing the emoji1 that appear on Twitter’s website.

  1. Emoji art isn’t part of the Unicode standard; every platform vendor has to design its own art. 
—Linked by Jason Snell

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