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‘Twin Peaks’ will return

Young whippersnappers out there may not remember “Twin Peaks,” but there was a time when a major broadcast network (back when that meant something) handed the keys to an hour of its time to David Lynch and let him create a completely insane show that mixed soap opera, police procedural, small-town comedy, science fiction, and horror in a way never before seen on television.

These days, lots of crazy experimentation happens on TV, on premium cable and basic cable and even sometimes on the broadcast networks. But “Twin Peaks” was way ahead of its time, and in college we watched it obsessively. We had viewing parties. I once went to a diner in San Diego and ate cherry pie while watching an episode. And then its second season ended on a cliffhanger, the show was cancelled, the feature film follow-up was a prequel, and we were all left to wonder about how the story might have continued.

Well, “Twin Peaks” is coming back. I can’t believe I just typed that sentence. Deadline reports:

One of the top cult series of all time is coming back with a new limited series on Showtime from its original creators, David Lynch and Mark Frost. The nine-episode series will go into production in 2015 for a premiere in 2016 to mark the 25th anniversary of when the series finished its run on ABC. In a fact that will delight Twin Peaks devotees, Lynch and Frost will write and produce all nine episodes, with Lynch set to direct every episode.

For a lot more detail, check out Deadline’s interview with showrunner Mark Frost. Or buy the Blu-Ray. Or listen to the Fire Talk With Me podcast.

The owls are still not what they seem.

—Linked by Jason Snell

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