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By Jason Snell

Apple’s record quarter by the numbers

Note: This story has not been updated since 2020.

There was a time when every quarter was a record for Apple, but after last year’s rough year of regression (following a record-smashing 2015), it wasn’t a sure thing that we’d see more of those for a while. But for the holiday quarter of calendar-year 2016, Apple beat its own advance guidance and reported a record revenue of $78.4 billion.

It was also an all-time record quarter in a bunch of other areas, including iPhone sales (78.2 million).

Mac unit sales weren’t a record, but because of rising average sale prices (thanks, MacBook Pro!), Mac revenue set a record.

Services revenue was a record once again, and Services continues to follow a strong growth trajectory.

Apple Watch revenue, while not disclosed, was also a record.

What can you say about the iPad? No records here, really, unless you split regions finely and talk about growth in Mainland China and India. But there’s no new growth here. (Perhaps unsurprising, given that no new iPads have been released since last spring.) Average selling prices of iPad dropped this quarter, presumably because consumers are buying cheaper, lower-end iPads for the holidays.

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