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By Dan Moren for Macworld

Vision Pro’s biggest shortcomings are its clearest path to success

The age of the Vision Pro is upon us!

By now the reviews are out, the first adopters have received their devices, and anybody who wants a demo of the future of spatial computing can walk into an Apple Store and try Apple’s headset.

But it’s worth remembering throughout all of this that the Vision Pro is—hopefully—more than just a gimmicky device; it’s a brand new platform that’s going to evolve and change as it makes contact with the real world. There are bound to be shortcomings, places where third-party apps will eventually fill in gaps, and areas where Apple will continue to innovate and improve, even before a new version of the hardware inevitably comes out.

Case in point: there are a handful of places where Apple has spent very little time talking about the Vision Pro’s capabilities—in some cases because those capabilities are limited or simply aren’t present at all. If you look closer, there’s often a very clear reason why that’s so, but it also means that there’s clearly room for Apple to make forays into new arenas as the platform develops.

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