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By Jason Snell for Macworld

It’s 40 years of Macworld, too

As you’re probably aware, there was a big anniversary last week. But the Mac wasn’t the only venerable Apple-related institution to hit the big four-oh on January 24. Once Steve Jobs wowed the 1984 Apple Investor Meeting at the Flint Center in Cupertino with his introduction of the original Macintosh, attendees emerged from the auditorium to be greeted by people handing out the first issue of the world’s newest computer magazine: Macworld.

Yes, it’s Macworld’s 40th as well. As you might expect from the relative health of the technology and media industries, the story of Macworld does not quite follow the same trajectory as the story of the Mac. (In the earliest days, Macworld was more successful than the Mac!)

As the person who has probably been associated with Macworld for two-thirds of its existence—I joined the staff in the fall of 1997, and I’m writing this in 2024—it’s only appropriate that I take you on a little trip down memory lane.

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