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By Jason Snell for Macworld

Inside Apple’s evasive talk about Mac sales and Services success

Last week, Apple reported its financial results, and they were the kind that answered the question, “Under what circumstances would financial analysts look askance at nearly $90 billion in revenue and $23 billion in profit?” (Answer: When that company is Apple, and it’s posted lower year-over-year revenue numbers in five of the last six quarters.)

After a couple of years of growth so sudden and massive that cosmologists are analyzing it for clues to the inflationary period during the first few moments of the universe, Apple has spent the year-plus… flat. Very huge and profitable flat, but flat nonetheless. Wall Street, so focused on growth, is a little perplexed.

As is tradition, Apple CEO Tim Cook and CFO Luca Maestri hopped on a conference call with financial analysts after the results. And they let the rest of us listen in like little sneaky eavesdroppers. Here are a few of the things I took from what Apple’s execs had to say.

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