Six Colors
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This Week's Sponsor - beautifully designed, letterpress-printed, finely bound books

By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: Stupid iPhone tricks

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

Big changes at your local app store this week as iPhone sales are decimated (look it up). And we’ll end with a tip for all you felons out there.

Emulation nation

Have you got a giant folder of illegal ROMs? There’s now an app for that.

“Delta Game Emulator Now Available From App Store on iPhone”

Yes, we live in a new world where you can get a game emulator from Apple’s App Store. If you invented a time machine and went back and tried to tell your past self from 2010 about this… well, most of the questions would have been about time travel and how the heck you learned all that physics, you’re a social media manager, Richard.

Delta is an all-in-one emulator that supports game systems including NES, SNES, N64, Nintendo DS, Game Boy, and Game Boy Advance.

What about my Fairchild Channel F?!

Hungry iPhone users dying to relive their lost youths downloaded Delta all the way to the top of the App Store charts.…

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