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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: Coulda, shoulda, woulda

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

Apple’s had a rough start to 2024 but it’s not like everything’s peachy for either its competitors or the thorns in its side.


Turn your mind back to the heady days of 2008: Barack Obama was running for president, the modern smartphone and the MCU were brand new, and all computers ran on Intel processors.

16 years later, it looks like someone flipped the game board over.

Apple, of course, makes its own computer processors now and is the one to beat in performance per watt, amperage, electrojule, what have you. This naturally has everyone else in a tizzy because it’s not the way things are supposed to be so there’s a certain amount of running around trying to do something about it.


Google, gearing up for the wonderful new future where AI makes art and writes novels while we keep doing our taxes and digging ditches, is making its own chips.…

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