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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: The bill comes due

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

Anything happen this week? First, let’s hop in a golf cart to ask some Apple executives. Then we can read an 88-page PDF. We’ll finish by throwing our Apple silicon Macs into the ocean.

At least as exciting as watching golf itself

Spring can be a time when you feel as though you’re going through Apple keynote withdrawal. Fortunately, Brian Tong has you covered with this video ride-along with a number of Apple executives you may recognize. There’s Joz and Kaiann and Anand and so many more! It’s got more stars than a 1979 ABC “Still The One!” promo.

No one lets the beans spill on future products or features, but they do ride around and around the Apple campus a lot and wax poetic about the company’s products. You’ll hear about cameras and spatial memories and just all the awesomeness that’s going on at Apple Park and how awesome it is.…

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