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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: Gooooood mornnnnnning, Vision Pro!

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

It’s here! It’s here! It’s like Christmas in early February! Not for me, of course, but for some of you. Apple’s response to the EU’s DMA legislation will continue to be in news until… well, morale’s not improving, so it’s hard to say. At least the company’s not going out of business.

Vision Pro is go!

It’s here! With great fanfare, the Vision Pro arrived today at stores and homes near you, depending on the wealth index in your ZIP code. Tim Cook took to Manhattan yet again to welcome the Vision Pro procurers and those who are just Vision Pro-curious (he even got a fantastic new shirt for his troubles).

Despite tepidity in some of the reviews, you will be surprised to learn that Cook is all in on the Vision Pro. So all in that he’s actually been pictured with his face all in one. Why? Glad you asked.…

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