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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: Non-starting lineups

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

From the land of Magical Thinking comes the windowless Apple car! This from a company that can’t even keep its pencils straight. And how did Tim Cook look at the iPad lineup over the last year and say “Hmm. Needs more iPads.”?

The eyes of all our cars

From the “Sure, why not?” files comes this new Apple patent filing, hopefully never arriving on a street near you.

“Vision Pro could let you see out of an Apple Car with no windows”

What? Could? Go? Wrong?

A number of years back we were told that there was no reason to store all our stuff on a hard drive, just put it in the cloud and you can have it all the time from any device! Clearly the people pushing this idea never went to a secluded beach or mountain cabin and also never thought about what happens when it doesn’t work as designed.…

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