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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: Always leave them wanting more

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

Happy new iPhones to all who celebrate! The rumor mill had some hits and misses as usual, but did anyone have “Tim Cook acting” on their bingo card? Hope you enjoyed the event because that’s probably it for the rest of the year.

Milling about

Another Apple iPhone introduction has come and gone, so let’s take a quick look at how the rumor mill did this time around.

Incorrect rumors included the company shipping color-coordinated cords with iPhone. It’s quite possible Apple decided that shipping cords in slightly different shades of gray for the iPhone Pro was a waste of time. Or, when it came time to put them in the boxes, they couldn’t tell natural from white, either. Anyway, good luck figuring out that ongoing tangled mess of white cords in your drawer. Another misinformed rumor was the Apple Watch Ultra shipping black Titanium. Not this time.

Still, some rumors turned out to be correct.…

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