Six Colors
Six Colors

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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: A soupçon of color

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

The iPhone 15 Pro colors challenge the definition of a spectrum. Just as well, as you probably won’t be able to get one. And Apple pulls the plug on a storied app.

New iPhone cases and their recommended wine pairings

Apple has announced its iPhone event for this year. Titled “Wonderlust” and featuring an Apple logo dissolving into probably very expensive particles of some kind, the event will take place September 12, as was foretold in prophecy. What will be unveiled? Rumor has it we will see new Watches, both Ultra and non, new phones and new, higher price points! Very exciting. And the colors! Oh, the colors. If you haven’t seen the purported pictures of them, well, you’re in for a… “treat” is not the right word. York Peppermint Patties are a “treat”. This is more like “something that is technically edible”. You’re in for that. Like a bare celery stick.…

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