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By John Moltz

This Week in Apple: Only competing against yourself

John Moltz and his conspiracy board. Art by Shafer Brown.

The rumor mill giveth again, as more updated devices are on the horizon—some in zeitgeisty colors. Apple’s down quarter, meanwhile, won’t stop the company from being the best dang technology company it can be.

AirTags Pro

It’s been weeks since Apple announced new devices so you’re probably getting as itchy as I am for new stuff. Or maybe it’s because I switched brands of talcum powder. If it’s the former, though, let us never fear: this is why the Apple rumor mill was invented.

All hail the Apple rumor mill and its infallible nature, amen.

Apple supply chain diviner Ming-Chi Kuo says Apple could begin making updated AirTags in late 2024.

New AirTags? Oh, great. They’re so small, how am I supposed to find the ones I already have to upgrade them?!

If only there were some sort of app for that.

There doesn’t seem to be any rush to upgrade, however, as the primary feature of the new little doohickeys noted by Kuo is better integration with the Vision Pro.…

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