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Apple’s less than exciting TV updates

Speaking of Apple’s TV announcements from last week, our good friend Joe Rosensteel has a pretty thorough look at why they were underwhelming:

Single Sign On was also mentioned in this presentation on TV the app, even though it hasn’t materialized. Tunneling through the press releases after the event reveals it will be available, coinciding with the release of TV the app, presumably, but the only providers that signed on were DirecTV and Dish Networks, the two satellite providers in the US. They also say, “and more” in the press release, but if they had more they would have written them out. It’s not like the list was so long they had to omit them!

I noticed the same thing when looking at the press release. Maybe it’s part of the reason Apple is holding off until December to launch? Without big players like Comcast and Verizon, that Single Sign-On feature is going to lose a lot of its appeal.

Joe’s piece is well worth a read if only to look at how the current Apple TV stacks up price-wise against the competition. The last couple updates have been ultimately disappointing, and despite the company’s assurance that TV is an area of great interest, it sure doesn’t seem like Apple is doing much to move the needle.

—Linked by Dan Moren

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