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By Jason Snell

Apple’s emoji lives long and prospers

Note: This story has not been updated since 2020.

Vulcan Emoji

The latest betas of OS X and iOS add support for a single new emoji symbol: Raised Hand with Part Between Middle and Ring Finger.

That symbol is just one of a very large number of new emoji introduced as a part of Unicode 7.0. But of the dozens of new symbols defined by that update, only a single one has been added in recent Apple OS builds. (It’s viewable in the system but does not appear in the emoji keyboard.)

I assume this is a tribute to Leonard Nimoy, and it’s wonderful. No doubt someone at Apple is dutifully working on all these new emoji symbols, and they’ll eventually debut in a future OS update, but in the meantime, Spock’s salute has gone to a strange, new world: emoji.


[via Emojipedia]

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