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‘The Wire’ is coming to high definition

Considered by many (including me) to be one of the great TV series ever, “The Wire” is finally being remastered in HD, despite never being intentionally made for that format. HitFix’s Alan Sepinwall:

I’ve been asked about this process for a long time, well before HBO began hinting it might actually happen. And I get it. I’m an HD snob who’s reluctant to watch almost anything in standard-def anymore. In this case, though, I understood that the old look was the way “The Wire” was designed to be seen, even at the dawn of the HDTV age, and was fine watching it that way. But if Simon’s on board with this version, I’m at a minimum very curious to see what the show looks like. Will Herc and Carver constantly be goofing off on the edge of every frame now? Will Bubbles put the red hat on twice as many men? How many more beer cans will we be able to see on the Western District roof?

Show creator David Simon seems okay with it.

—Linked by Jason Snell

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